This book is written by Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil, The alumni of Mu'tah University which is the same university that im currently pursuing my studies on. Ustaz Hasrizal in my opinion is one of the if not, the most interesting figure in Islamic Da'wah arena in Malaysia. His philosophy and the way of thinking slightly separates him from the rest of PAS followers. Unlike his counterpart, he tends to view the issue the without any bias and tends to give a fair opinion of the issue through the Islamic perspective. Maybe one of the thing that really influenced him to this path of philosophy is his broad experience in interacting with people with different backgrounds and characters. But one of the most interesting part of his character is my inability to categorize him into any da'wah movement in Malaysia, is he a Salafist? Kaum Muda? Ikram? Pas? to be honest, I still cannot decide.
This book is a collection of experience throughout his stay in Turkey during 1990s. It is a very interesting book and it brings us a new perspective regarding the issue of secularisme in Turkey and first hand account regarding the oppression that happened throughout Turkish Military regime era. Like any other young reader in 2020, it is very difficult for me to appreciate the struggle that the Turkish people had to endure before the rise of Edorgan. The modern day Turkey as I speak today, is a mixup between secular and islamic country. Even though its leader Raccip Tayyib Edorgan is one of the most influential and outspoken leader in modern Muslim world, but its citizens are still retaining its modern secular culture which I fairly observed during my visit to Turkey in 2015.
The book also answer the very fundamental question that always circulated my mind. How did Turkey gained its independence from military regime and the oppression of secular ideology? and what is the difference between the Turkish daie and Malaysian daie? and what can we learn from them? All those questions had been answered again and again throughout this book.
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